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Manufacturing Engineering

ITI MultiTrack II

International Technegroup Incorporated

ITI MultiTrack II is a fully-functional tool inventory tracking system.It includes check-in and check-out facilities, tool kitting and toolassembly functions, and the ability to reserve tools used in conjunctionwith MultiCapp. A process planner can directly access the toolingdatabase and reserve tools for the job being worked on, or check statusof tools required.

Language: FORTRAN-77, C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

International Technegroup Incorporated
5303 Dupont Cir
Milford, OH 45150
Phone: (513) 576-3900
        (800) 783-9199
Fax: (513) 576-3994